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Discounts and Announcements

Special Offers Until July 26, 2024

Tuition Discount of 40% on the Following Programs Pre-Paid:

Doctor of  Traditional Naturopathy (ND) Degree

Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy (ND) Degree (All eBook Version, Video Classes, and Virtual Internship)

Bachelor’s Degree in Complementary & Alternative Health

NHP Doctorate

Integrative Wellness Practitioner Bachelor’s Degree (See Prior Learning Page)

Doctor of Wholiopathy (WD) Degree Program

Alternative Medicine Diplomate (AMD) Program

Phytomedicine Practitioner (PMP) Doctorate Degree

Certified Natural Health Counselor (C.N.H.C) Diploma Program

30% Discount on All Other Programs Pre-Paid

Note: All discounts are affected by course credit transfers from other schools. The waiving of multiple courses can change the discount rate. No discounts on Ph.D. Programs or where indicated.


Video Class Programs We Offer

  • The Natural Health Practitioner (NHP) Professional Diploma Program
  • Complementary and Alternative Health Practitioner (C.A.H.P) Certificate Program
  • Wholiopathic Wellness Practitioner (W.W.P) Advanced Professional Diploma Program (New Program/See Biblical Studies Page/Part Video Classes and Part eBook Courses).