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Have you ever experienced the heady sense of calm after smelling a flower or a lotion fragranced with natural essential Read more
A close-up of the iris with visible traces of the vessels and nerves around the pupil.
The eyes may be windows to the soul, but they reveal a lot about your physical wellbeing as well―iridology studies the Read more
A healthy breakfast bowl with a good mix of fresh veggies and grains.
Overall physical wellness is often considered a direct result of a fitness routine―that's a big misconception. A healthy diet is Read more
How aromatherapy can help with depression
Aromatherapy has been used in alternative medicine for centuries now. It’s the practice of using scents to improve the overall Read more
Holistic Medicine - Everything You Need to Know - Feat
Here's everything you need to know about holistic medicine: Read more
Reflexology comes from ancient Chinese medicine. It’s the study of how one part of the body relates to the other. Read more
The Link Between Mental Health And Nutrition
The human brain is always switched on. It controls your thoughts and movements, even your senses. It performs many functions Read more
The World's Most Popular Herbal Medicines - Feat
These are the world's most popular herbal medicines:   Read more
It’s Never Too Late To Learn A New Skill
Your adult life flies by before your eyes, especially when you work full time and have a family. One fine Read more
3 Tips for Selecting the Best Alternative Medicine School
Each year, we spend billions of dollars on pharmaceutical medicine. Most pharmaceutical drugs come with a vast array of side Read more